The development of the River Leadership Curriculum has been progressing each week with the help of everyone involved, including the Stewards! This past Friday we tested our second module during the mini - course (see post below!)
The Wednesday before, the core planning group for the McGregor grant met at their weekly meeting to discuss further plans. The group discussed Student Learning Outcomes as well as a potential timeline for the development as the semester wraps up. The group decided that having 3-4 SLOs that are integrative and synthetic, to serve the interdisciplinary purpose of the curriculum, would be a good goal to work towards. The group plans on enlisting the help of approximately six Stewards to work down the long list of SLOs, making sure they are all represented in the 3-4 being developed. Working in a small group will make it easier to go through the 126 SLO's and to think about the exact wording of the 3-4 needed.

The Friday before this meeting, the Stewards were a big help with the curriculum development! We brought the large post-its from the SLO brainstorming seminar to the mini-course. The Stewards broke up into small groups, each with a number of post-its, and working together they put each SLO into one large excel file. Each SLO was tagged with how many checks it received, as well as two different grouping categories. This allows us to have all of the SLOs in one place and it allows us to work with the SLOs in different ways.
Thanks to the Stews for their hard work!
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