At the beginning of the summer, a workshop was held in the LTC. This gave the members of the management teams a chance to get to know each other and the curriculum they were about to start working on. After the workshop, the management team members had the chance to paddle the Great Miami River.
Since then, the management teams of each module completed worksheets that have been a guide to plan class sessions. Each team planned four class sessions. They also had an option to plan a Saturday session for their module. Now, the Leadership Team and the interns are working together to integrate the class sessions into one course. Then, the interns will begin to book the speakers and field trips for the modules as well as assemble the binders that will be given to each student.

In addition, every Wednesday the Leadership Team and the interns host a lunch. The lunch is at noon in Zehler Hall 104. It is a chance for anyone to be caught up on the progress of the development as well as to discuss a selected topic each week. For example, last week, each intern gave an update on their module development. Kristen gave a demonstration on how the database that she has been working on will be stored and shared. Those at the lunch were able to give feedback on how the database will work.
Below are videos from the Wednesday lunch on June 16th.
If you are interested in being part of the curriculum development, stop by the lunches to catch up on what is happening and provide input!
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