One of the things I like to do at the beginning of each year is to sit down and reflect on the year that just passed. As I did this, I realized just how much being a River Steward influenced my year and how much I enjoyed it. Without a doubt, some of my favorite memories involve my fellow River Stewards; and seeing that I wasn't a River Steward until August, I think that certainly says a lot.
The school year started with the infamous River Stewards Orientation. On the first day all the Baby Stews were introduced to each other, and though I already knew some of them, we were all fast friends thanks to bonding activities that involved 16 people standing on a block smaller than 2 ft X 2 ft and carrying each other across about 15 ft. Once all the Baby Stews knew each other, we were introduced to the older Stews, and the fun just continued. Eventually came the day of the paddle, and with it came the fun of casually drifting down the river (with or without a boat), all the Baby Stew guys having to jump out of their boat thanks to a lost bet, or singing Wagon Wheel by the fire with everyone.
Later on in the year came another fun paddling adventure when the Baby Stews went on our own paddle on Halloween weekend. With everyone dressed from Huckleberry Finn to a voyageur (I hope I spelled that right, Connie) to the Grim Reaper, we headed down the river for the first time as a cohort by ourselves, and this was truly an adventure. At one point, we even just pulled the kayaks over and went exploring (above are a couple photos from it).
All in all, these are just two of the memories that really stick out in my mind when I'm reflecting on the year. Other great memories include going to Wegerzyn Gardens with all the River Stewards, working at the event formerly known as Gearfest and tearing off the old shirts to reveal the new ones with James, and "brainstorming ideas" for next semester.
I can't wait for all the fun i'll have with the River Stewards in the future.
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