Friday, December 12, 2014

Gems of the Grand Canyon

This September I went to the Grand Canyon out in Arizona for a hike with my family. We flew out from all around the country and immediately were awestruck at the sight of what the river had carved out over the last few millennia. We spent the first night sitting atop the gorge preparing ourselves for the 13 mile hike down switchback after switch back.

Amidst the people taking pictures along the edge, I heard language after language being spoken. Within ten minutes I’d heard Chinese, Korean, French, German, English, Arabic, and a few others that I couldn’t recognize. People were drawn to the landmark and ultimately the water that carved it.

After walking for most of the day, we finally came to the source that exposed all these beautiful layers of earth. The Colorado River in all its glory, murky from the deposits it was carrying downstream, still carving out more.

I’d like to say I was captured by the expansiveness and sheer size of the Grand Canyon but I hope that’s not all I remember about it when I grow old. My favorite part, and the part that I hope people get the chance to truly experience, is the small paradise down there. Amidst the arid climate, cliffs, and tourists, are these thriving little pockets that house all sorts of life. These hidden gems between the rocks that take hours of walking to get to, but once found, you never want to give up. I leave you with a picture of my uncle taken as we left one of these gems and the hope that you’ll take a small bit of time to find a gem by you.

Take a new route to work, walk those extra fifteen minutes, and experience everything you can.

Sebastian Kessler
2016 Cohort

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