Saturday, December 15, 2012

2014 Cohort's Cap Stone Rocks!

Alas! Winter break is here! We can be with our families and old friends. No classes, no homework, no exams. We're done! Well kinda...

You see, the River Steward's 2014 cohort has been hard at work all semester and especially these last several weeks, and in order to keep the momentum in our favor, we've several task to accomplish over break.

For those of you who may not know what we've in mind for our cap stone project let me give you a brief description of what we are envisioning. Our idea is a digital and interactive kiosk. A kiosk that will highlight and provide enticing descriptions of Dayton's best outdoor destinations, especially those along the river. The idea was inspired by our desire to share some of our favorite spots with the rest of the UD community. Thanks to the 2012 cohort, UD has the ability to reach many of these destinations by bike...if only they knew where the destinations were. That is where we come in. The aim of the kiosk is to point a very enthusiastic UD body in the right direction(s). Simple enough.

So far, we've only a rough layout of where we want to go with this and how we think we want to get there. Our next steps are to find community partners, solidify the kiosk design, drum up the conversation with UD, and simultaneously draft a formal proposal. There is much work to be done, however, we're both confident and excited about moving forward, especially now that we officially have the support and approval from Leslie King and Dick Ferguson. Our progress so far can only be attributed to a wonderful coordinator (shout out to Leslie!) and an amazing cohort.

Many good things to come!

Alexander Gaskins

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