Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Water in my Life by Kerry Howard, 2023 Cohort

    Other than the obvious reason of needing it to live, water has made an influential impact on my

life and the way I view the Earth. One of my favorite memories regarding water was when I went

to camp in 2014 and 2015, where myself, along with 30 other campers stayed at a campground

called, Deer Valley in Pennsylvania. Our main hang-out spot was on a small peninsula, where we

would have fires, late night talks, sit out during the day, and so much more. Although, my

favorite thing about being surrounded by the water was taking baths in the lake. I felt connected

with the water because I had never cleaned myself in lake water before and it was such a

meaningful experience due to how genuine the world felt in those moments. During my time

there, the water connected everyone, and helped people bond over a similar interest.

    Moreover, the different forms that water can shape into is so interesting to me. It can transfer

into a gas, solid, and liquid, but does so for the well-being of the Earth. The Earth has water to

thank for its beauty – not only the beauty of lakes, streams, rivers, and oceans, but also the

mountains, canyons, and erosion in everyday life. After traveling to various national parks in the

U.S., I have learned to appreciate how water has shaped almost everything we do and see. From

the Grand Canyon to the Yosemite, to my hometown, Pittsburgh where the Point is located, there

is almost always serenity in these places. Hearing waterfalls, smelling sea salt, seeing wildlife in

crystal clear water are just a few things that I think helps everyone relax. We are all more similar

than we think in the sense of enjoying water, and just as I found at camp, brings people together.

Water will always be a meaningful way to get closer to the Earth, closer with people, and closer

to your true self.

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