Tuesday, April 27, 2010

River Cleanups!

My experience this semester has been unique, as I have spent the entire semester co-oping in Cincinnati. Every day as I drive home from work and enter the city of Dayton I look at the beautiful Great Miami River. During a period of time after a huge snow melt, I noticed a very high water level, and then the water subsided and left large amounts of litter along the river banks.

I decided it would be a good idea to get the River Stewards involved. I organized two river cleanups and at each one a handful of stews showed up. For the first cleanup we partnered with Ken Carmen who explained his long term vision to combat the problem. The Sig Ep Fraternity helped out with the second cleanup. It was great to get different groups involved with the cleanups.

Thank you to all who came out to support. The river looks 20x better! People who are not involved with the river have noticed and commented how nice the river looks recently. It goes to show that our few small efforts can make noticeable differences in the community. And there is no doubt the river is better off too!

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