Monday, September 20, 2010

2012 to Troy

In mini-course this past Friday the Junior River Stewards ventured north to the city of Troy. We were greeted by Stan Kegley at the Tin Roof (Try the cupcakes- they're delicious!) We were given the opportunity to see how Troy, the Tin Roof, and Treasure Island have all utilized their stretch of the Great Miami River both in the past and present. From pre-1913 to present day, we examined the different relationships the city has had with the river and the reasons for them.

Today, Troy is a prime example of what we need to strive to create on the river to make the Ohio's Great Corridor project a success. They have created an outstanding outdoor recreation program with a strong emphasis on the river. To quote Mr. Kegley, "If you gave me 50 boats, I could fill them!" Treasure Island also offers a triathalon (held this past weekend), ghost stories around a campfire in October, and a Survivor/Amazing Race competition coming in Summer 2011. These activites and more can really pull people to come down to the river front and help them gain an appreciation for what a resource they have in their backyard. It is important that as one river corridor, as one river system, we keep our focus on the big picture - we are all connected by one river!

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