Friday, December 2, 2011

Earlier this year in August, the River Stewards embarked on their annual Orientation for the incoming River Stewards. Accompanied by community partners and other River Stewards, the group of paddlers made their way down a 17 mile stretch ending on the Great Miami River near Sun Watch Indian Village. There, the Stewards packed up and participated in a small reflection exercises lead by brother Geiger. At one point during the reflection brother Geiger asked each member to pour a small amount of water from their water bottles into the river. He then prompted everyone to imagine where their water would end up in the future..

Now is the future. The water that was poured into the river could now be the snow atop a child's snowman. The water could be dispersed among the waves in the Gulf of Mexico, the reefs of Australia, or the currents of the Atlantic. The water could be sweat on the floor of the Rec Plex or even a puddle in a drainage system in Cincinnati. The water could be anywhere on the planet by now. The point is that we are interconnected by our watersheds. What we do here and now plays a role in what they will do then and there. Lets us be wise and diligent with what we do in the "here and now".

Be encouraged ye Stewards of the River!

Alexander Gaskins

1 comment:

  1. Very well said, Alexander. It makes me reflect on where my drop of water might be now....?

    Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful Holiday!



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