Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Over Thanksgiving Break I had the chance to reflect on my River Steward's application completed back in March and must second fellow stew Amy Schultz in saying that applying for the program was one of my better decisions.

Being a River Steward has exposed me to new opportunities and ideas. Through group activities like kayaking, bike riding, and cookie making I have grown very proud of each member in the program. Some of you have shown me faith while others of you have shown me hope but all of you have shown me love and I am ever so indebted and appreciative for it. At this point I realize I have many unreturned favors and am very glad there is still time.

Most especially, the River Stewards program has allowed me to explore Dayton more fully. The frequency with which I have engaged the city has increased tremendously. Gearfest and countless other excursions have taught me the value of community and have led me to critically evaluate my role within such a setting.

Finally, I wish a big thank-you to all of the community members that have made the River Steward experience and RLC course possible including Leslie King and Don Geiger.

It has been a rewarding semester.

Prospero año!

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